Helping a Minor or Incapacitated Loved One

If you are faced with the need to care for a minor or incapacitated loved one's person or property, The Karisch Law Firm, PLLC, can help.  Proper estate planning often can avoid the need for a court-supervised guardianship, but sometimes planning isn't possible.  Guardianship may be an effective and necessary means to safeguard a family member and his or her property.

Glenn Karisch has years of experience working with guardianships.  He has covered changes in the guardianship statutes of Texas since 1997 for the Texas Probate Web Site.  When he was chair of the Guardianship Committee of the Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section of the State Bar of Texas, he had primary responsibility for REPTL's efforts to review and improve guardianship statutes.  Glenn remains involved in the guardianship legislative process.

If you think someone you love may need the protection of a guardianship, look at the frequently asked questions about Guardianships and Alternative to Guardianships on the Texas Probate Web Site, then contact The Karisch Law Firm, PLLC, for a consultation.