Thoughtful, Caring Help in Planning Your Affairs
Is now the time to get your affairs in order? Planning for death or incapacity can save your family thousands of dollars in taxes, administrative expenses and litigation costs. A properly planned estate can help ease your loved ones through a difficult transition. The lawyers at The Karisch Law Firm, PLLC, have the experience to handle a wide range of planning challenges. They give personal attention to each client to assure that the estate plan is customized to fit that client's unique situation.
For families with simpler, smaller estates, The Karisch Law Firm, PLLC, works hard to provide a complete and versatile plan at a reasonable fee. These plans are likely to include most or all of the following:
- A will.
- A revocable inter vivos trust (a "living trust").
- A statutory durable power of attorney for property.
- A medical power of attorney.
- A directive to physicians and family or surrogates (a "living will").
- A declaration of guardian if the need later arises.
- A declaration of guardian for minor children.
- A HIPAA (medical information) authorization.
- A funeral directive.
- Instructions on coordinating non-probate assets like life insurance and retirement plans with the rest of the estate plan.
For more complex, larger estates, The Karisch Law Firm, PLLC, will help you explore more sophisticated options, including:
- Bypass/credit shelter trust planning.
- Marital trust/qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust.
- Life insurance trust.
- Irrevocable trust for gifting and business ownership.
- Family limited partnerships and LLCs.
- Qualified personal residence trust (QPRT).
- Grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT).
- Charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT).
- Charitable lead annuity trust (CLAT).
- Tax-motivated gift-giving program.
- Generation-skipping transfer (GST) planning.
- Dynasty/lifetime trusts for descendants.
- Planning for IRAs and qualified retirement plans.
We also work with clients whose circumstances present special planning challenges, including:
- Prenuptual/pre-marital property agreements.
- Post-marital property agreements.
- Cohabitation agreements.
- Blended families/second marriages.
- Same sex couples.
- Special needs trusts/planning for disabled or challenged beneficiaries.
- Planning for the terminally ill.
Please contact us to work out the solution to your planning issues. A good place to start is by filling out the appropriate estate planning questionnaire.